In a uninhabitable Siberian wilderness, in a wake of October Revolution, a group of passengers survives the mysterious catastrophe of Trans-Siberian railway train. They must endure in a harsh ice-clad climate until rescue arrives. Facing many dangers, their own weaknesses and, above all, their own prejudice. People from different social classes have to unite and make decisions that often go against their beliefs, either by putting them to the test or by completely breaking them. Will they survive and at what cost is only up to the player.
Em um deserto inabitável da Sibéria, após a Revolução de Outubro, um grupo de passageiros sobrevive à misteriosa catástrofe do trem ferroviário Transiberiano. Eles devem resistir em um clima duro e coberto de gelo até que o resgate chegue. Enfrentando muitos perigos, suas próprias fragilidades e, principalmente, seus próprios preconceitos.